I don’t know what will happen to my account after I share this, but I will share it because I cannot keep quiet.
There is an agenda for the 21st century. It has been hinted at for years but it’s become clearer in the last 12 months. Something serious is happening and people are beginning to wake up and notice.

It is no secret that human attention is the new gold. It’s not enough to be able have a hold of your data and sell it to the highest bidder, the goal is now to skew and mold that data into something that favours them. Don’t ask me who “them” are. I don’t know. But they exist and they are hard at work.

The rule is simple: He who holds your attention the longest can force it into any direction they please, and mine it for gold.
You see, if you behold something long enough, you begin to think about it. Those thoughts then inform your actions. Your actions become your habits, your habits enforce your beliefs, your beliefs become your values, your values form your character, your character molds your identity and your identity decides your entire life.

Want to give a person a completely different life? Feed them a kind information long enough, they begin to believe it, think about it, act on it and become it.

This is why people who focus on negative news or only have access to information that tells them why they cannot aspire to something, eventually end up with mediocre lives, unless new information comes and changes their thought patterns, beliefs and actions.

For example: many of us did not know it was possible to make money online and build financial freedom until we came across some information on social media about the subject.

As we continuously saw that kind of information and examples of people who were building successful online business and showing us how they did it, we began to think, “Maybe this is possible for me too”.

The more we were exposed to that kind of information, the more the gifts and abilities inside us found expression. We are all mostly on some level of leveraging social media as a tool for good information and as a tool for business growth.
But what have you noticed lately when you sign into these apps? You’re beginning to see less and less of that type of information. You’re beginning to see less and less from those people who show you what is possible.

You are now being involuntarily fed with useless content and information that reinforces negative belief systems and information that causes you to go from happy to sad, angry, disgusted or afraid in an instant! It’s almost like there is a remote control for your emotions and a little baby has it, and is pressing all the buttons at once.

This is no longer about curating your feed with only what you want. That is now sadly a myth. Whether you like it or not, you will be fed those kinds of useless content that seem to garner a lot of views and engagement, while the ones you want, are nowhere to be seen.

When was the last time you saw a post from the Facebook groups about online business, personal development, and so on? But I guarantee you that you might have seen at least 10 meme content, gossip gist and nonsense conversations that add no value to you.

But what happens? Because these kinds of content are constantly thrown your way, one day you will cave in. You will click on one and read through. You will open the comments and see what people are saying.

Tomorrow you will see another one and decide to leave a comment. You tell yourself you’re doing it to build engagement for your own profile but we both know that’s not true.

We are being deliberately under-informed, misinformed and disinformed by thr regulation of the kind of content we have access to. Knowledge is still powerful. As long as you don’t have access to that power, you can be made to do as they wish.
When they feed you information that makes you take an action you necessarily wouldn’t, they win. When they consistently show you content that suggests something different to those good values and beliefs you hold dear, they win.

I do not have enough time to go into what the true nature of this agenda is, but you will see some shocking news in the media in a few weeks’ time. Don’t be surprised. Be prepared.

About the content you’re constantly fed here, what do you do about it? Sadly, not much. The apostles of the marketplace who have been preaching the good news of personal development, financial freedom and building a life by design, have moved their audience away from social media.

They know that you don’t build your house on rented land, so they have email lists, whatsapp broadcasts and Telegram channels. Find their profiles and sign up for what they have right on their platforms.

Then, make a conscious decision to reduce the amount of time you spend on social media. You can use productivity apps to set time limits for your devices. The less you consume, the less you’re likely to be affected by their agenda.

Also, make it your duty to actively search for information that empowers you. YouTube is a University. You can find anything you’re looking for there. Email newsletters are repositories of life-changing content. I post only the good stuff I find online every week to my newsletters. Books will change your life. Read them.

Finally, plan your escape. You want to build yourself and your business to the point where social media no longer becomes your primary means of getting and staying in business. Double down and be persistent.

Take out your journal and write down a figure that you need to get to before the end of the year and do everything you can within legal boundaries to get there. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Do you believe more people need to read this? If you said yes, make sure you invite them to sign up for my week newsletters Here: maybe we can still save a few people.

To your success,

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Copyright © 2020 | Edirin Edewor
