It’s a few days to Valentines Day and to be honest, it is nice. It is nice to see that in spite all of the craziness of the world, people still want to celebrate love.

Whether its romantic love between a couple, familial love between family, platonic love between friends or other kind, love is something that should be expressed freely without a feeling of taboo or shame.

I recently read a Twitter thread where someone asked if people told their friends and family they loved them.

A number of people said they weren’t raised in a family that expressed love vocally, others were.

I found that a higher number of females expressed love to their fellow female friends than males did to their male friends.

Now, there are many theories as to why this is so, but that’s not the point of this post.

The point is to remind you to frequently express love to those you care about before it is too late.

Some people hear “I love you” for the first time in the grave. Give people their flowers while they are still alive.

Pick up your phone now and call or text someone (could be a partner, parent, sibling, child, friend, colleague etc) and tell them you love them. Let them know how much they mean to you.

You will be surprised how much some people need to hear these words.

Some people have never heard those words in their lives and you could just be the first person to say it to them.

Do this simple exercises and then comment below when you have done so.

You can share the exchange here if you wish. I would love to read from you.

Edirin Edewor

P.S: You can pre order a copy of Here Come the 30s for that person you love here.

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