I want to speak to the young, single women today, in your 20s, 30s or 40s; Those of you still sitting on the fence about whether to allow your dreams gain full expression or not.

Listen, the world will NOT wait for you to be married first before you “begin” to do all that God has laid in your heart to do.

I never talk about singlehood, relationships and marriage but I’ve seen too many young women dim their lights and waste away because of what somebody said to them.

Over the years, I have gotten all kinds or messages and “talks” from people who think they mean well for me, telling me to slow it down.

They would say, “All these things you’re doing are intimidating the men, that’s why you’re not married. How can you be living alone in Lekki Phase 1? How do you want a man to be confident enough to visit you?”

“How can you be talking about making millions, going on vacations abroad by yourself and even calling yourself an international speaker and social media influencer? Why don’t you wait first till you’re married and have kids so that your husband can support you?”

“You know, it is all these your achievements that are getting to your head and making you proud, and have impossible standards, that’s why you’re not yet married”.

First of all, LOL.

Secondly, I don’t even bother answering because it’s not worth my time. I have far more important things to do than to try to reason with such people.

There is a wrong mentality on this side of the world that things are meant to happen in some sort of human-imposed chronological construct.

To many people, it is an anomaly for a woman to be extremely successful before she’s married.

It is an anomaly for a woman to be extremely happy and satisfied in herself if she’s not married.

It is an anomaly for a woman to have a purpose other than wife, help-meet and mother.

It is not my place to say anything to these people to try to get them to see reason. There are other people for that.

However, it is my place to continue to be me, to continue to break the status quo, to continue to shatter glass ceilings, to continue to inspire young women around the world that they too can live a full life on their own terms. It is my place to continue to be the beacon of light and the embodiment of possibilities.

My mandate is to inspire people to see possibilities in themselves that they never thought possible before, and inspire them to turn those possibilities into reality.

I cannot be fit into a mold. I cannot be made to conform to society’s ridiculous standards. I want every young woman reading this, to know that it’s okay to have those big dreams and to chase after that dreams NOW.

It’s okay to want success and the ability to have a lot so you can help a lot.

It’s okay to want to be President, Governor, UN Secretary General, Director of the IMF, Internationally recognized Speakers, Authors, Thought Leaders, Policy Drivers, Change Makers and World Transformers.

Never let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big and that you’ll scare people away. To that I say, good riddance to bad rubbish. If people are too small and too diminished in their standards to not see that there are other people with excellent standards just like you, it’s their fault.

Never let anyone tell you to put a pause on your dreams, hopes, ambitions and plans because of their warped sense of time.

Don’t let people project their fears, limitations and small-mindedness onto you. The things they say you cannot or should not do, says more of them, than it does of you.

Don’t dumb down your ideas and intelligence or down-play your achievements just so you can fit in, when you were meant to stand out.

Continue to grow yourself. Continue to be a life-long learner. Continue to travel the world and explore. Continue to build your success. Continue to make that money. Continue to be in your own bag.

Continue to fly up the corporate ladder. Continue to open all those businesses and buy those companies. Continue to grow into a giant. Continue to buy those cars, those houses and those investment portfolios. Continue to have the time of your life.

When the time comes, the right person who will appreciate you for all you are, perks, flaws and all, will come. Till then, refuse to compromise your stance and your standards. Refuse to slow down. Refuse to stop. Refuse to bend to other people’s idea of what a young woman should or should not be doing at a particular age.

You’ve got only one life to live and no one can predict the future. The only thing you can do is live your today and give it everything you’ve got.

You’ve got this.

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