If I had a dollar for everytime someone asked how to choose a skill to monetize or a business idea to follow out of the multiple skills and ideas they had, I’d be swimming in money.

If you’re in this category of multi-talented, multi-skilled or multi-ideated persons, this is for you.

Make a list of all your talents, skills and ideas. Match your skills and talents to the ideas you have. Then pick one. It’s as simple as that.

It doesn’t matter which one. Just choose one. If you want to wait to weigh all the options and ask one million coaches, experts and thought leaders first before you take action, it’ll be years before you do anything.

It took me 5 years to finally settle on something I could see myself doing for another 5 years or more. It took me from 2012 till 2017.

Within that time, I tried at least 13 different things. I tried teaching. I tried Network Marketing twice. I sold different products from clothing and accessories to cosmetics. I tried being a Makeup Artist.

I tried Interior Design. I tried Jewelry making. I tried getting a job (that didn’t work out). I was a Personal Assistant for one month.

Some worked out nicely and I made money. Some I completely hated. Some were only meant to be for a short time.

None of them was a mistake. Even though I didn’t end up with those ideas, I learned from every single one of them and it is the combination of all the failures, successes, lessons and experiences that have made me uniquely positioned to do what I do today.

Tomorrow I might move on to something else. Who knows? But I will be grateful that instead of sitting down and analyzing for 5 years if I should become an Author and Thought Leader, I explored my skills and learned new ones on the way.

The path to becoming who you’re meant to be, will not just fall on your lap one day. You will have to “work” your way to it. You will need to clear the thorns and bushes in front of you so you can see your path.

You may even find that what you’ll end up doing was not even in your original list of skills, experiences or ideas.

So pick one thing and give it your best until you are absolutely convinced that it is either time to move on or continue on that course.

If you’re afraid that you’ll spend years doing “the wrong thing” before finding the right one, guess what? That time will pass anyway.

You will be better off having gone through all the different skills than sitting on your hands waiting for the mystical “voice” to tell you which course is your final destination.

Pick a course and stay the course.

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