You may never achieve your goals! Here’s why…

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

It’s really simple. The universe only comes through for people who make the commitment to invest in themselves.

You can’t give great value if your cup is tiny, and if it is empty. Increase your capacity to receive value (the size of your cup) and your capacity to give value (the amount of value inside your cup) will increase.

If we both have full cups and my cup is 1 liter, while yours is 10 cl, my capacity to receive and give value is still more than yours because my cup is bigger than yours.

How do you increase your capacity to receive value? Get the value that is offered at premium. That’s the one MOST people will not go for. They will be too busy scrambling for the free crumbs when you can pay for the whole loaf of bread.

Freebies are for newbies. Base level things are for newbies. Free webinars, summits, Facebook posts and free stuff. They are for people who want to be educated.

You’re beyond looking for education. You want the real deal; why sit in Primary School when you should be in the Masters Class?

I said this last year, and I’ll say it again. The year belongs to those who DO, not those who SAY they will do. Enough of the “deep”, “I’m inspired”, “we are proud of you”, keep up the good work”, “I can’t wait to be like you” comments on other people’s posts.

Do they have 2 heads? Are they better than you? How many more success stories do you want to read about before you start making your own?

The universe only comes through for people who make the commitment to invest in themselves. Never forget that.

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