You can still make 2021 your best year yet!

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

It is 99 Days plus till the end of the year. You can still make 2021 your best year yet. Do not let the happenings of this year, make you give up and push the things you should be doing now, till next year.

There is no reason to give up on 2021 just yet. You are only permitted to give up on 2021 at 12:00AM January 1st, 2022.

Take out your pen and journal now and write down the things you WILL accomplish in the next 99 days.

  1. Write that book you’ve always wanted to write or finish the one you’ve already started, and launch it.
  2. Read 3 books about your industry.
  3. Finally learn how to create an online course.
  4. Plan for, and host that Webinar, Masterclass or Summit.
  5. Create that online course and launch it.
  6. Start that new business idea.
  7. Get that certification.
  8. Save that first million or more.
  9. Learn that new skill.
  10. Run your first Facebook Ad.
  11. Open that Domiciliary account.
  12. Create and start that email list.
  13. Build that website and/or landing page.
  14. Register that business
  15. Get that new laptop for your business.
  16. Start that YouTube Channel.
  17. Create that workbook and put it on Amazon.
  18. Finish those outstanding courses, videos and books you bought.
  19. Hire that assistant.
  20. Get your travel passport.
  21. Take one massive action that will move the needle of progress in your favour.

Whatever you do, remember that you are building momentum into 2022.

The rest of the year will become whatever you want it to be.

If you decide that 2021 is already over, then it will truly be over for you.

If however, you decide to put in maximum effort into the rest of the year, a lot can happen in these 3 months that could have ever happened for you.

Don’t complain about the things you didn’t get, from the work you didn’t do. You want results? Do the W.O.R.K.

Una hear?

Photo caption 📸: My face when I see someone saying “2022 is my year” and it’s still September.

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