You Are Missing the Action.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

You buy a good book and read it. You take copious notes and you feel really good about yourself.

You buy a course and actually go through it. You learn a new skill that will either help you start a new business or expand the current one you have. Awesome!

You sign up for a Masterclass. You actually attend. You are fired up and ready to go! You finally have clarity on what you need to do.

You are on the email lists of some of the greatest people you admire in the world. You have all their freebies and you read every email that lands. No one knows this stuff better than you, you’re an expert already!

Yet…..Boda Thomas that doesn’t even know all these things…is showing receipts. He’s making the money and getting the results.

Hanty Dami’s Facebook group that she started which day here, is popping. She just had 800 people show up for her free webinar and 357 people signed up for her paid program.

Haaaaaa!! They’re blowing white powder on their smartphones and laptops. Ahn Ahn! That’s the only explanation na! Because how is it that these people who were coming to “pick your brain” in the DM are now the ones cashing out, living YOUR dreams??

It’s jazz……or is it?

Ma fren come ov it! (In Daddy Tao’s voice).

It’s not jazz joor. It’s one simple 6-letter word- ACTION.

While you’re busy ranting about the number of books you read in a year and how many hundreds of thousands you invest in personal development, others are taking action.

You secretly keep telling yourself that you just need to finish that one book, or complete that one course or sign up for that particular program, then you will have all you need to take action.

Bruv, you’re suffering from analysis paralysis and the only cure is action.

Sis, you’re suffering from fear of incompetence (Not failure. You ke? Fear failure? Mba!). Your only cure is action.

Will it turn out right the very first time? Probably not. In fact, it is statistically more probable that you will fail, crash and burn.

When you try again, will it be perfect this time? Big, fat NO. But guess what? You might crash but you probably won’t burn and you certainly won’t fail. Know why? You have experience on your side.

When you try for the third time, will it be perfect? Again, the answer is NO. You may skid off the track but you won’t crash or burn and you may find yourself closer to the finish line than the last time you tried.

See the trend? The more you take action- the more you try, the less you fail.

Stop trying to achieve perfection. Instead focus on small daily steps in the right direction (that rhymes 😉).

One day, in 4 years’ time, you will look back and say “I’m glad I took that first step and never stopped walking”.

All it takes is the decision to dare to do something. Anything. Today.

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