I was reading a book over the weekend and I found myself enjoying the book so much, I promised myself I’d read it cover to cover (I don’t usually read books cover to cover unless they are how-tos).

It was when I got to the part where the writer described how humans have 4 major personality types (with 16 variations) and how your personality type ultimately determines your approach to life in order to be successful, that I began to suspect I might have the same personality of the writer.

Few pages later, the writer mentioned his personality type and it was the same as mine. I was like, “aha! He writes like me because he is like me”.

As I dropped the book and prepared for bed that evening, I began to understand why I would read one book with one idea and one approach by a trusted authority and it would make sense, and another book on the same idea but a different approach by another trusted authority, wouldn’t make sense.

I was reminded of the proverbial goose and gander. We all know that old saying that, “What is good for the goose is good for the gander (male goose)”. But in recent times, psychologists have said that, “What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander”.

Why the change in approach?

This is simply because we attack problems and make decisions based on who we are. It is who we are that determines wether one approach will work for you or not.

For example: Dave Ramsey in his book “Total Money Makeover” talks about the importance of living a debt-free life and using cash to make all purchases, while Grant Cardone talks about getting more debt and using debt to finance your business and your dreams.

Is one of them wrong? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Both authors are right, but they are only right for the right kind of people. That is why two people can read the same book or have the same coach, and one gets better results and the other gets worse off.

Understand your personality types and the characteristics that make up that personality type. Once you have done that, you will be able to identify your strengths and thrive in them.

Don’t go doing what everybody is doing if you don’t have what it takes to take the same steps they took to achieve success. There are many paths to success and a good coach knows the first step to working with a client is to first understand their personality and then design a program that works for them.

We live in a world with access to all the information at your fingertips. The problem isn’t insufficient information, the problem is understanding which information is right for you.

To know your personality type, you can take a free personality test here.

I am developing a personality test to help you know your writing style and how to write in your own unique style that will help you thrive as a content creator. When I’m done, I’ll announce it.

If you’ve taken the test, comment your personality type in the comments section, let’s see who’s alike.

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