In March 2019, I taught a Workshop on Monetizing Facebook groups to a group of nearly 150 Facebook group owners. I was invited by Facebook Inc. themselves, to teach this workshop, and got paid for it.

Little did I know that Mark Zuckerberg actually had serious plans for Facebook groups.

I still kept in touch with some members from that group I taught and got a lot of messages from attendees, thanking me for the timely workshop because they too had heard what Uncu Mark intends to do with groups.

Even giants like Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and Russell Brunson jumped on the Facebook groups train.

Do you know why I love Facebook groups? I couldn’t give you 10 Million reasons (hint hint 😉) but I’ll just name a few:

  1. It is absolutely free to start one.
  2. You already have access to over 1.6 Billion people who can join your group.
  3. You get amazing visibility for your content. You don’t need to boost your posts for them to be seen. My post on ”Build Your Bank”, has been seen by nearly 10,000 people in this group. Don’t let the few number of likes and comments fool you. We can see how many people actually saw the post in Group Insights.
  4. You don’t have to be an expert at anything to create your own group.
  5. You get to make your own rules and set the tone for how you want your group to be.
  6. You get to decide how large you want your group to be. My group OPEN is one of the largest groups in Africa, dedicated to writers, authors and entrepreneurs and was only 2 years at the time.
  7. You get to meet amazing people, build your influence fast and impact people who you’ve never even met.
  8. It is a great opportunity to meet people from ALL OVER THE WORLD. My group currently has people from over 110 countries now.
  9. You have an opportunity to sell your products and services to a ready audience because they know you, like you and trust you.
  10. Having a Facebook group can help you get nominated for numerous awards because you’re making an impact. John Obidi won the Africa Prize for New Media at The Future Awards Africa. One of the major factors for his win was having a community of over 100,000 people who voted for him.
  11. You can switch from one career to another easily, using Facebook groups. I did. I went from Interior Designer to Thought Leader and Online Publishing Expert almost overnight.
  12. You can become a social media influencer if you have a large enough group and a message which your community members resonate with. This means you can become a brand ambassador, get endorsements, get invited to events and even get paid to advertise people’s products and services.

I did a partnership with AXA Mansard for the International Women’s Day #PressForProgress campaign. I also got invited to speak at Social Media Week Nairobi on Building Community, all because of this Facebook group. I also partnered with an American company and earned over a thousand dollars in affiliate commissions.

There are many more benefits, but I’ll stop here for now.

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