It’s not December yet, and already some of you have given up on the goals you set for this year because it doesn’t look like they will happen for you.

You miss the fact that you still have some days left to give it everything you have so you can finish strong. You do this for either of these two reasons:

One, you haven’t learned the art of finishing what you start. You’re already done with the year. You’re already done with your goals. You started that book and got stuck, so you’re done. You started creating that online course but your laptop spoilt, so you stopped. You couldn’t sign your first client in your new business, so you’ve told yourself the business is not for you.


Two, you’re already living in 2022. You’ve set brand new goals and you’re working on those goals because of a sense of false motivation when starting a new project. Afterall, all your friends are already working on their next year goals. You’re doing this because you want to avoid feeling like a failure for not achieving the goals you set for this year. You’re among the people that scream “this new year is my year!!!” every single year.

If you’re in any of these two categories, STOP DOING YOURSELF. Go back to those unfinished goals. Ask yourself these 6 salient questions:

  1. What have I been doing right?
  2. What have I been doing wrong?
  3. What should I have done more of?
  4. What should I have done less of?
  5. What should I have started doing?
  6. What should I have stopped doing?

Answer these questions as truthfully as you can; afterall, only you and God will see your answers, I won’t mark it for you.

These questions will give you some clarity on what you need to adjust and where you need to re-strategize so you can finish the year strong.

Don’t be a quitter, be a finisher.

Finish strong.

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