This Is Why You Will Remain Stuck!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Calm down, I’m not swearing for you. I’m only stating a fact. Your mind is more powerful than you can ever imagine. Your mind is the seat of all conscious and unconscious thought.

Have you ever heard of these statements?

🌑 As a man thinks, so is he.

🌑 Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks

🌑 Whatsoever you ask and believe with all your heart, is yours.

🌑 If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.

🌑 Our thoughts become things.

🌑 Reality is first imagined before it is actualized.

🌑 Everything is created twice; first in the mind, then in reality.

I’m sure you must have heard one or more of these statements. Your subconscious mind controls your life.

Your conscious mind makes up just 5% of your thoughts while your unconscious makes up 95% of your thoughts, and if your thoughts control your behavior, then much of what you say, do and become, is controlled by the things you don’t even know you are creating in your unconscious.

This is why at the beginning of the year, you write down your goals and say, things like:

I will not oversleep again

I will not eat after 7pm

I will not procrastinate

I will not be lazy…

Yet, you find yourself doing those very things you said you will not do.

It’s not like you asked for them; it’s just that your unconscious mind has been so ingrained with these habits that mere words or writing them down, will not make them stop.

It was Praise Fowowe who said, “You cannot remove in minutes, what it took you your entire life to install”.

Let me tell you a story.

A man went to the circus and was looking at all the animals there. Then he came across a mightly elephant standing in a corner.

This elephant had a tiny rope tied around its leg. There were no cages or fences around it. Just that rope. Yet the elephant stayed in one place.

Curious, the man asked the circus keeper, “Why doesn’t the elephant run away or at least break free of that tiny rope?”

The circus keeper replied, “When this elephant was still a baby, we tied this same rope around its leg. He tried to break free but couldn’t because the rope was sufficient enough to keep him bound.

As the elephant grew up, we didn’t bother to change the size of the rope because the elephant had grown up believing that the rope was unbreakable.
As long as the elephant thinks so, it will not go anywhere, no matter how big it gets. It has been conditioned to believe that way”

Fascinating, isn’t it?

But this doesn’t only happen to animals. It also happens to us as human beings. Our beliefs, behavior, identity, values and perception have been shaped by our upbringing, the environment we grew up in, and specific experiences we have in the past.

How many times have you said,

“It is not easy to make money in Nigeria if you’re not doing it illegally” OR
“It’s because I’m not good-looking, that’s why I didn’t get the opportunity” OR
“It’s because I wasn’t born rich, that’s why I am the way I am” OR
“I am very stubborn and quarrelsome, that’s just the way I am” OR
“Money doesn’t grow on trees” OR
“Rich people are stingy” OR
“All men are cheats” OR
“I’m not a Maths person”

These are automatic responses you’ve been programmed to give when certain questions are asked. You don’t even know you’re doing them and how they affect the rest of your life.

If you keep telling yourself, “That’s the way I am” or “This is how it has always been” or “Abeg I can’t kee myself”, how then do you expect to grow, to improve, to change your circumstances?

If you like, attend all the goal setting classes in the world, apply the best goal setting technique, have a badass vision board and do daily affirmations, if your unconscious mind isn’t reprogrammed and re-patterned, you will continue to remain stuck.

Now you see why I said I wasn’t swearing for you. No one is swearing for you. This is just the fact of life.

Until you work on your subconscious, prepare to re-live 2021 again and again and again, even when it’s 2050.

So how do you first of all become aware of your unconscious conditioning so that you can uninstall those unwanted programs and re-install the right ones?

This should be the question you should he asking yourself.

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