Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

I have done trainings on how to make sales from Your Book. The lessons I taught are not exactly new secrets that were just revealed. They were things you probably already knew but needed to be reminded about.

Here’s the good part: Some of you will take those lessons, apply them, and will make a million Naira or more. Your testimonials will roll in and people will applaud you.

Here’s the sad part: some of you who go on to make that million Naira or more, will stop there. You will feel accomplished with your goals and take a break. Some will go further to try to repeat the same process again and make another million Naira. Only very few of you will actually come up with ways make a living from your book besides just selling it, like I taught in the trainings.

The difference between those who will never do anything with the lessons they learned, those who go on to do something and see results, then fold their hands, those who repeat the process and duplicate the results, and those who, through THE Process Blueprint and Process Publishing, expand their horizons, will be the word “THINK”.

The more you think about a thing, the more you begin to see possibilities that were once hidden. The internet and books and trainings and coaches are all good, but to stand out from the pack, you need to THINK.

  • Think about new ways to do business.
  • Think about new strategies for marketing.
  • Think about how to form better relationships with people.
  • Think about solutions to problems.
  • Think about yourself and what makes you happy and fulfilled.
  • Think about those things you do that give you a sense of purpose.

THINK! For in thinking lies new ideas born and innovations that shape the world.

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