Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A long time ago (like back in 2013), there lived a Thought Leader. He had just come into the Online Business and was making a killing with his business.

He had his website, had something to sell on it, had his funnel set up and knew how to run Facebook Ads to his offerings.

He would set a budget for $100 to run ads to his paid product and people who didn’t even know him, would buy from him. His $100 could turn to $7,000 in just one week!

Life was good for this Thought Leader. He was living his best life. He would take pictures of himself on the beaches of the Maldives with his laptop and “pepper dem” on the gram. Hashtag Laptop Lifestyle. Hashtag Digital Nomad. Hashtag Fire Your Boss. Hashtag Time Freedom.

Life was sweet, and even when other people started jumping on the Thought Leadership Information Products train, he wasn’t bothered.

When his $100 started converting into less and less cash, he still wasn’t bothered.

When some new kids on the block started doing amazing stuff and basically started becoming Omnipresent, our Thought Leader still didn’t realize something was afoot.

Fast forward to 2019. Our Thought Leader needed money and thought to launch another product using his same old method. Alas! Crickets!!! insert shocked gasp here

Yep. While our Gbas Gbos Thought Leader was lounging in Aruba, the game was changing. People started to seek community and a more personal relationship with those who they sought to buy from.

People began to care more for their journey, than a gbas gbos approach of jumping on every new product or trend that came by.

Our Thought Leader had an email list of 53,000 subscribers but he failed to build a relationship with them.

He had sold to nearly 70,000 people but he didn’t understand their journey.

He knew all the sales scripts from all the classic books but didn’t implement the Know, Like and Trust factor.

He had a following on social media but he didn’t feel the need to show up consistently and deliver free but highly valuable content.

He was set in his gbas gbos ways and by the time he realized, his audience had pitched their tent with a more caring, more valuable leader.

My dears, the time of an impersonal approach to selling has passed. Your customers are on a journey and require a more meaningful and valuable connection with you, to help them on their journey.

This is the definition of building a “movement”. Online Publishers and Entrepreneurs Network is not a Facebook group; it is a movement. You reading this, are part of that movement. Apple is not just phones and laptops and iPads, it is a movement.

You can create your own movement too. You just need to know how.

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