The 5 Mindsets of a Content Creator: How to Beat the Content Fog

The 5 Mindsets of a Content Creator
Process Psychology: The 5 Mindsets of a Content Creator by Edirin Edewor

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Everyone has a book in them and everyone can create content.

If you know me, you know I always say so. So why is it that a lot of people find it difficult to write and publish a book, or any other published asset that contains information?

The reason is because the foundation has not been strengthened or is being ignored. Now, I’m not talking about content here. While I also say that content is the ground on which all published assets stand, the MINDSET or PSYCHOLOGY of the content creator, is the foundation.

This is the reason why Step 1 in my Process Publishing Blueprint™️ is called Process Psychology™️ or Vision Management.

It is in this step that we work to install the right Mindsets for you to not only gain clarity on what your message will be about. You also become more aware of the power you have to use your published asset to effect change, build influence, make impact and subsequently grow your brand and business.

If you don’t have the 5 Mindsets of the Content Creator™️ Installed, everything you build atop your foundation will crumble. It’s like building a house: if the foundation is made with inferior materials, no matter how good looking and strong the rest of the house is, it will eventually come crashing down.

What are these 5 Mindsets every Content Creator needs to install?

1. Communication: being able to share your message in a way that communicates value to your audience.

2. Connection: being able to create content that connects your audience to your message.

3. Credibility: being able to expertly share value that establishes you as the trusted authority on the subject of your message.

4. Commitment: being able to elicit loyal follower-ship, positive buying decisions and brand evangelism from your audience.

5. Control: being able to control the narrative of your personal brand by creating and curating content that is in line with what you stand for.

Which of these mindsets do you have installed?

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