Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

First of all, if you haven’t joined OPEN, do so here:

In one of the live broadcasts, I shared very practical points on how to leverage your title as an Author and your skills as a Writer of Non-Fiction, Fiction, Poetry and Screenwriting, for opportunities.

I especially stressed on opportunities for fiction and screen writers who want to write movie and tv series adaptations.

A number of messages have been sent to me on more resources apart from the ones I mentioned in the live broadcast, for people who want to get into this type of writing. So this is a list of some resources to help you:

Google: This is always the best first place to start. Learn how to google stuff and know that when someone tells you to google something, it is not an insult. I have no idea where that line of thought came from.

Simply open your browser and ask google a question (e.g what is screenwriting? or how can I turn my book into a movie or series?). Do not underestimate the power of the Google Search Engine. Best part is that it is free.

YouTube: After Google, YouTube is the second highest search engine, but the content is in Video form and thus, even easier to consume. After doing a google search, you want to then go on YouTube for further knowledge.

I guarantee that there is hardly any topic you type on YouTube that wouldn’t bring out a related video. You search for stuff on YouTube just the way you would search on Google (e.g How can I get a movie producer from Hollywood to adapt my story for screenplay?). Again, YouTube is free. is the official website for The Open University (not to be confused with this group OPEN which is an acronym for Online Publishers and Entrepreneurs Network). You can get access to free courses on a wide range of topics, including creative writing.

If you want more exclusive courses and even enrol for a diploma or degree, you will have to pay for that and get a legit certificate once your program is completed. in my opinion is one of the best platforms to actually learn creative writing, screenplay, the business of film, writing for TV Networks, Voice Acting, Music Scores, Song Production and more.

You get access to all the courses from Celebrity Instructors such as Shonda Rhymes, Issa Rae, Malcom Gladwell, Samuel L Jackson, Ru Paul, Jeff Coons, Salman Rushdie, Walter Mosley, Daniel Pink, Niel DeGrasse Tyson and a host of others.

Other resources include getting on Netflix, Amazon Video, HBO, Hulu, Disney+ and others, and learning to watch movies and TV Series not just for entertainment value, but to learn the art of book adaptation, show production, marketing, distribution and extra streams of income.

Focus on Movies and Shows that are book adaptations. Watch them, then buy the books and study them. Go on YouTube and watch interviews of the Show Runners (watch today’s live broadcast to know what this means), producers, directors, cast and crew members and even down to set and costume designers. Don’t be clueless. Learn everything.

The world is ripe for African stories to be told, but only stories that have a global perspective, which can be adapted for a global audience. You want to go global with your message? Expose yourself to global perspectives and cultures.

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