It can be pretty hard to stay online during the election period while avoiding high bp. This is especially a difficult time when you have a business that runs online, especially via social media. So what do you do?

How do you continue to run the business that feeds you and your family without appearing tone-deaf or insensitive?

How can you as a business owner, navigate the murky waters of social media as tensions rise and everyone seems to be focused on one thing and one thing alone?

Here are a few things that can help:

1. Acknowledge the situation. You don’t have to be aloof, indifferent or blind to the fact that elections are happening. You can share a post, share your hopes that the election brings about the change that everyone prays for.

2. Acknowledge to yourself that you are human. Whether you are voting or not, the results of the election will affect you one way or another, so it is impossible not to feel anxiety during this time.

If you are prone to suffer anxiety attacks, meltdowns and even High Blood pressure, do what is best for your health. Stay off social media till it all abates.

3. Acknowledge your right to not speak online. Before social media, no one had to print posters or pay for ad time on tv or radio to share their opinions to random people. Just because you are on social media now doesn’t mean you must say something.

You owe no one an explanation to your silence or absence from social media at this time. Do not let anyone pressure you or make you feel less than, because you did not share your political affiliations or opinions.

4. Avoid starting fights online with your audience, clients and customers if you do business on social media. When people make posts that do not agree with your inclinations, avoid the need to “drag” them online.

You can simply scroll past, block them or ignore. Remember, in the future, no one will care if you were right or wrong, when the consequences of your actions come back to the surface.

5. Keep your tone upbeat. No matter what the outcome is, keep a positive attitude. Do not incite violence or any such acts. Do not use your words to stir up anger, strife and hatred.

If you are a leader, use your platform to preach positivity and motivation. Share inspiring stories, motivational content and hope.

6. Offer value if you are are a business owner. Provide your followers with helpful tips, suggestions or educational content that relate to your products or service. Some people are looking for a distraction from the noise. Provide them with a valuable way to pass the time.

7. Engage your audience. Encourage your audience to share their stories, experience or feedback. This can help build a sense of community and foster engagement.

Remember, everyone is hoping for a better life. Whatever their interpretation of what that means, and whomever they feel will best provide that version of a better life, is up to them. Our job is to keep educating people until they can learn, unlearn and re-learn.

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