As we wrap up the decade, take some time today to reflect on how far you’ve come and be in a state of gratitude as you do so.

Sure, many things didn’t happen for you as you would have wanted, but many things did happen for you too.

First off, you’ve outlived 553 Million people in this decade alone. Be grateful for life.

You have a roof over your head. It may not be your dream roof. It may not be in your dream location. Hey, it may not even be your own roof, but you have a roof none the less. Be grateful for a place to live.

You have access to clean water. It may not come from your tap, but you can at least afford to buy pure water in a sachet to drink. Many people are living in severe drought and some do not have clean drinkable water. Be grateful for a cup of water.

You have had a meal in the last 36 hours. It may not be your best meal. What you ate may not have been your first or even tenth choice, but you’re alive and not starving to death. Be grateful for food.

You have a means to communicate with people. If you’re reading this, it means you have a phone that has internet access. It is most likely a smart phone that allows you download apps. You are actually connected to the internet and can access Facebook. You have at least one Facebook friend. Be grateful for connectivity.

You are reading this post, which means you can see. You may not be able to hear, you may have to use glasses before you can read this, but you have sight to behold the beauty that is earth. Be grateful for eyes.

Be grateful for family.

Be grateful for acquaintances and friends.

Be grateful for education that enables you to read and write and speak.

Be grateful for peace, no matter how small a measure it is.

Be grateful for the ability to survive day to day.

Be grateful that you can find things to laugh at and laugh about. You have a smile on your face.

Be grateful that your spirit is not crushed.

Be grateful that your mind is intact.

Be grateful that you can still dream of a better life.

Be grateful that you can envision your future and what you see is better that where you are.

Let these thoughts guide you as you close your eyes and envision your next decade.

What do you see in your future?

What do you hear?

How does it make you feel?

Do you envision your future and smile to yourself?

Do you see yourself accomplishing even more than you’ve accomplished this decade?



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