I shared this last time, and it is more urgent than ever, so here are a few new information added:

4. Create an Author Profile on Amazon when you have published your book there. Again, it is free and super easy to do. Once published, go to authorcentral.amazon.com and create your Author Profile.

Then go to readofafrica.com and create your Author Profile there as well, and list your books with the purchase links. It is free.

5. Create a Business or Personal Profile on Google so that when someone Googles you, they can see your Google Knowledge Panel.

You can do it yourself in a few minutes. Here’s a link to how to get it done.

6. Have at least one each of the following:

– a video of you on YouTube speaking sense. Might be your channel, might be someone else’s channel where you were invited to speak.

Preferably your own channel. Again, it’s free and easy. Record yourself with your phone on landscape speaking about a relevant topic in your industry, then upload it to your YouTube.

– a Podcast episode of you speaking sense. Might be your podcast, might be someone else’s podcast where you were invited to speak.

Go to anchor.fm to create a free podcast. Then follow the simple steps to record one or two episodes, and name them. Give Anchor FM permission to automatically publish your podcast to iTunes Podcast, Spotify and others.

– a Blog Article either about you, something you did, or where you were a guest blogger.

You don’t need a website to start a blog. Platforms like Medium and Substack allow you create a free profile and publish blog articles there. Google them

– One membership of an international organization with a recognizable website. I won’t list examples. Do your research.

There are many other things I could mention that could help boost your profile should a certain person from a certain embassy decide to “Google” you; or you find yourself at the Immigrations counter at your airport or the airport of your destination. You never know….

Which one of these have you done and which one are you going to start with today?

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