Very rarely do you find people in the corridors of power, who got there by accident. The people with the most influence, impact and income today, were intentional about getting there.

You cannot only pray your way into relevance and wealth. You must take the necessary steps to get there by backing up your prayers with the right actions.

This is why I encourage you to study biographies of successful people. Some of them have books written of them. Read those books.

Some of them have done countless interviews that are on YouTube, magazines and newspapers. Spend the time to watch and read every single one of them.

When we say that success leaves clues, this is exactly what we mean. The clues are in the life story of these successful people. From their stories, you can find their motivations, their inspiration, their turning point and their resolutions.

If you cannot even read through a facebook post of 1,000 words, how can you then expect to have the results of those who commit an hour or more, to their personal growth everyday?

We tend to romanticize the idea of success in these parts and that’s an unfortunate mistake.

You cannot look at an Edirin Edewor or an Elon Musk, then point and say “I will be like you or better”, when you cannot and will not sacrifice the same things these people have sacrificed.

The universe will not give you what you ask for. It will give you what you deserve, and what you deserve is the output of what you have put in.

You put in laziness and garbage, you will get laziness and garbage. Your prayers will not change anything. It doesn’t matter if you are a good person or not.

As you sit and reflect, and pray for all the things you want, stand firm in that same energy and find out the work that needs to be done, then do it and don’t stop till you’ve done it all.

Then, and only then, will you get that which you deserve. If you want to be in the corridors of power, you must be willing and able to make the power moves to be there.

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