Some people will not understand what I’m about to say, but I’ll say it anyway:

Nobody is here on earth to serve YOUR purpose. They are here to serve THEIR purpose.

Now, there MAY come a time when them serving their purpose, will align with your own purpose. This is when a connection is made and when they become an asset to you.

Once that part of their purpose has been served, they will continue to serve their purpose but it will not have anything to do with you. The same goes for you as well.

Once you understand this principle, you will no longer be upset when someone you wanted to connect with, didn’t want to connect with you back.

You will also learn to no longer be upset when someone who was an important part of your life, moves on without you.

It could be a friend.

It could be a mentor or mentee.

It could be a boss or staff.

It could be a romantic partner.

It could be a helper or someone you’re helping.

It could be a business partnership.

It could be whatever.

Always remember this: no one is put on this planet to serve your purpose. The only person that can serve your purpose from start to finish, is YOU.

So don’t go around feeling entitled to people’s attention, or their resources, or them even being in your life.

If your purpose aligns with theirs for 1 month, that’s it. If it aligns for 1 year or 10 years, that’s it. If it aligns for a life time, that’s it.

Serve your own purpose and the people whose purpose align with yours, will show up at the right time.

Una good morning.

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