It is not enough to be skilled at your job or business. Specialization is no longer studying and mastering that one thing.

It now means the studying and mastery of multiple sets of skills, whose combination makes you unique and one of a kind.

Becoming a unique, in-demand, one-of-a-kind specialist, you must learn to master a combination of life and business skills. The more specialized you are, the higher you can charge for your worth.

Here are 10 Skills of the Decade you can begin to master from today. I will throw in an extra one as a bonus. This is by no means an exhaustive list and some of these skills are deliberately broad so you can decide on which areas to focus on:

  1. The Art of Learning and Personal Development.
  2. Personal Financial Education.
  3. Investing.
  4. Communication (including Speaking and Presenting, Writing and Publishing, and Non-Verbal Communication).
  5. Emotional and Social Intelligence.
  6. Social Media and Social Media Etiquette.
  7. Networking and Pitching.
  8. Negotiation.
  9. Personal and Team Management.
  10. Technology (This is very broad, so you can choose one aspect to Master and then move onto the next).

BONUS: Learn a New Language (Preferably one that is already widely spoken).

If you’re wondering where to start, take each of these skills on the list and Google them or type them out on YouTube and you will see tons of free content and videos to help you get started.

Do not ask me where to go and learn these skills. It’s your job to research and find it. A quick google search will help you.

So, which one will you get started on?

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