Keep Challenging Yourself!

Remember when you were terrified of posting regularly on Social Media?

Remember when you were terrified that no one would read your posts?

Remember when you were terrified of going Live for the first time?

Remember when you were terrified of starting your own Facebook group?

Remember when you were terrified of writing, publishing and launching your book?

Remember when you were terrified of criticism from readers?

Remember when you were terrified of charging for your gifts and talents?

Remember when you were terrified of getting your first coaching client?

Remember when you were terrified of hosting your first paid Online Class or Course?

Remember when you were terrified of hosting your very first live event?

Remember when you were terrified of your very first speaking engagement?

Remember when you couldn’t imagine making 6 figures a month from your business?

Now you create amazing content.

You rock your Facebook and Instagram live.

Your Facebook group is in the thousands.

Your book is a bestseller.

People’s lives are changed by your book.

You’ve found your purpose and you’ve turned it into a business.

You help people get results through your coaching.

People pay to attend your online class.

You rock the stage at your speaking engagements.

People want to pay to attend your own live events.

You used to do 6 figures a month. Now you do 6 figures a week and even have 6 figure days.

You wouldn’t be this person if you did not first start at the bottom.

You wouldn’t be this person if you didn’t feel the fear but also have the courage to pursue these things regardless.

You wouldn’t be the person you are today if you did not first take the leap of fate even when you had no lifeline or parachute.

If you want to make progress, you must do the things that terrify you till they no longer terrify you.

Keep challenging yourself. Keep having audacious dreams.

When I decided to host Nigerian Speakers and delegates to Dubai in August 2019, I knew that there was a big chance no one would come. But I did it anyway. Here we are today, planning another edition of next year.

It’s not that the people who accomplish these feats are super-awesome or born with two heads. They just choose to do the things that terrify them till those things no longer terrify them.

What terrifying ambition do you have today? The fourth quarter of the year is where dreams are made of. This is when destinies are determined and the chaff are separated from the wheat.

Your actions today and moving forward, will determine if you will be the chaff or the wheat.

Of you missed getting the Business Audit Guide for Online Business Owners, that’s too bad. Hopefully you don’t make the same mistake next year when I put it out again.

I can guarantee you though, that those who got it, will be so much further ahead. Some of them are your “competition”. That’s a fact. You don’t go into a new quarter or a new year blindly. You go in intentionally and prepared to conquer territories.

Make the most of this quarter. This is not the time to wind down, but the time you crank up the engine and build momentum into the new year.

Remember: do what terrifies you until it no longer terrifies you.


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