I just want to put this out there after sharing my story and seeing the comments.

Yes, I don’t look like what I go through. That’s not because I’m trying to put up a facade to appear “normal”. I am not some sort of Magical Super Woman.

I thankfully don’t have any noticeable physical disabilities because of my health condition, but that doesn’t mean stuff doesn’t hurt like heck everyday.

I’ve lived with this for more than 5 years, to know how to manage myself. On the days where it’s so bad that I can’t get out of bed, I most times don’t.

When I have certain commitments I absolutely cannot get out of, I plan ahead. I take the day before to rest as much as I can and do very little movement.

I avoid eating any triggering foods or put myself in a situation that would be physically strenuous. Then I practice breathing exercises and resource anchoring (things I learned from NLP classes) right before my commitments.

My Assistant has also trained herself to be aware of my health and any warning signs that I may need to take a break and she knows how to handle my business perfectly when I’m away.

I have built a lifestyle that allows me to function normally while working, and take long breaks where necessary.

I ensured I built a business that allowed me to work from anywhere in the world. I have built systems into my business that automate a whole lot of things and ensure I only show up when I have to.

I have a team and trained them to replicate my processes so that you cannot tell the difference between them and me, when you send customer enquiry emails.

I rest well before big events like speaking engagement and conferences.

I am vulnerable enough to be honest with my clients, class attendees and members of my community, if I cannot meet a commitment. I have been blessed with the most understanding of people. They know I always make it up to them.

Last but not the least, I am very protective of my boundaries- personal, mental, business and otherwise.

I don’t let just anybody into my space. I have less than 5 friends and they understand when I need to be left alone to rejuvenate.

I don’t say yes to every business opportunity or speaking engagement because my time and my health are very more valuable to me.

I don’t take on more coaching clients than I can handle because I pour my heart and soul into my clients whenever we meet. It takes a lot of energy to do so.

I am the way I am today, and I can show up the way I do, because of all the other things I have put in place behind the scenes.

It has taken me 5 years to get here and I’m not perfect, but I learn everyday and I keep making adjustments till I get it right.

If you’re reading this and struggling with a health condition, the best thing you can do for yourself is to build a career where you can control your working hours and location, and set your boundaries to take care of you.

The truth is, if you work yourself to death, people will only miss you for a bit, but they will eventually move on to other people. You will slowly fade away from their memories. Everyone is replaceable. Put yourself first.

Peace and light.

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