Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Many people believe that in order to have more sales, you must have a bigger audience. They believe that the more people are in your Facebook group, email list or Instagram following, then the more sales you will get.

While it is true that the larger the number of ideal clients you have in your target audience, the more volume of sales you will get, it is not the only truth. You can in fact monetise your audience from Day 1 and even bring in 6 figures monthly with an audience size of less than 1,000 people.

Don’t believe me? Well here’s my story: I started monetising my Facebook group the very same day I launched it, on the 20th of June 2017.

There were 502 members in the group when I launched, and my very first sale of my book at N2,000, brought in 96 sales in 48 hours. That’s N192,000 in the first 48 hours of launching my group.

For the next 6 weeks after my launch, that one book made me 6 figures every single week, and made me my first million in just 3 months.

When I launched my email list for the first time, I monetised from Day 1. In the first week of launching my email list, I made more from that list of less than 400 people, than I did in the entire month before.

It really all comes down to 3 very important secrets that I shared in the OPEN Facebook Group.

Do not miss this type of opportunities for anything at all. Whether you are just starting out or you already have a business and/or an audience, this kind of classes will change the game for you in 2021, I guarantee it. Join us here.

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