How To Add An Extra $200 Dollars To Your Income.

You’re going to want to write this down.

Step 1: Write down this goal in your journal. Write it like this, “I am going to make an extra $200 this week selling a digital product”.

Step 2: That digital product is going to be an eBook. An eBook that will cost just $2 to sell and $0 to create. This means you will sell 100 of this eBook in one week or or 14 books a day for 7 days.

Step 3: Think about one thing you know how to do really well. It could be how to make a particular food. Or how to use Canva to create a product flier. Or how to make healthy Hibiscus drink (Zobo).

Or how to make the perfect cake without an oven. Set actionable goals. Or how to set up a Whatsapp Business or Instagram business page. Anything you know a lot of people will be happy to learn.

Step 4: Map out everything you are going to include in this eBook and outline them step by step (it doesn’t have to have chapters).

Step 5: Take out your phone or laptop and open “Google Docs”. Google docs allows you to “dictate” your book instead of type it out. Begin “dictating” the entire book. It’s 5 – 10 times faster than typing it out.

Step 6: Use an app called Grammarly Keyboard on your phone or Install the Grammarly plugin on your Google Chrome browser and use it to edit your book.

Step 7: Use one of Canva’s numerous book cover templates to create a book cover with a title that begins with “How to” and add your name and title to the cover. Download it as an image and put it as the first page of your eBook.

Step 8: Save and Download your finished book manuscript as a pdf file. Congratulations you now have an eBook.

Step 9: Go to (copy and paste into your browzer)

Step 10: Using the link above, create a Free Selar Account if you don’t have one already. Add your bank account details for your payout. Then follow their simple demo to upload your book and get a payment link you can share with potential buyers.

Step 11: Put a sale price of $2 (or N1,200) and an original proce of $5 (or N2,800). If you are confused, follow this link to see a YouTube demo on how to upload your eBook:

Step 12: Once you have your book’s link, go to this site and create a 3D mockup of your book (a book cover that looks like the actual whole hardcover book). You will use this in your marketing. Download and save the cover.

Step 13: This is the important step. Put your book cover on your WhatsApp status, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, anywhere you have an audience. Write a small note about what the book is about, who it is for and how much it is. Then include the book’s link for those who want to buy it.

Step 14: Commit to selling 14 books everyday at least, till you get to your goal of 100 books. Depending on how valuable your book is, you might even find yourself selling all 100 copies in one day. You never know until you try.

NOTE: It doesn’t matter what niche of industry you are, you can write a book about any topic. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

I’ve written children’s books, books on writing, books on Mindset, books on business and I’m currently writing fiction. All that matters is that you are creating something that people want.

So, are you willing to take up this challenge with me? Let’s see who gets to $200 first. Share your results with me via screenshots to my email at when this happens, so I can celebrate you and even tell members of OPEN about your book once you hit your goal.

What would an extra $200, do for you? Let me know.

You see, I have just shown you for free, just one way you can profit from your writing.

All the best!

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