A lot of times, I get asked one particular question when it comes to creating content, and it is this:

“How do I give free value to my audience without giving away too much?”

The answer is pretty simple but can be a lot more complicated if you haven’t built competence in the industry you are serving.

I have met 2 kinds of people who create content for their audience:

Those who give and give and give tons of free content, they don’t know how to ask for a sale.

Those who refuse to give tons of free content because they are afraid they’re giving away all their knowledge for free and will have nothing left to sell.

Which of these categories do you belong to?

If you’re in the first category, what you need to do is learn to structure your content and then start creating products for your audience.

A great way to confidently bring in the sales is to find out what your audience is struggling with, then creating a solution that shows them HOW to solve that problem.

Then create free content around the principles and philosophies of the problem, the solution and your ability to solve it for them.

If you’re in the second category, focus on building your competence in the industry you’re serving. Then share snippets of the knowledge you are gaining and what areas this knowledge can be applied in.

Read books, get courses, attend webinars and masterclasses, and spend some time to think about all you have learned and how they can be practiced by you and your audience.

Solve a problem with this new knowledge for yourself and a few people, document the process and strategies you used in solving that problem.

Then package your process and strategies into a paid product. People will pay you to show them HOW you solved that problem.

Are you noticing the common theme here?

If people will pay you for the HOW, it means you’ve got to know the difference between the HOW content, and the WHAT and WHY content.

Your free content will consist of the WHAT and WHY, while your paid content will consist of the HOW.

Do you get it now?

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