Today I woke up with one of those feelings….you know those ones, where you’re feeling a little exhausted and you just want to take a vacation to Bali for 6 months…..yeah, that one.

So I decided to stroll through the streets of Facebook and join some new Facebook groups. This is one of the exercises I do when I want fresh perspective on life.

I found myself in a couple of Facebook groups for marriage, relationships and first time mums. I’m at that time in my life where one ramps up preparation for these things, you know?

Anyway, I found myself in these groups and as is custom, I went through their rules and guidelines, and then a couple of posts, especially posts from the admins.

I realised quickly that I am blessed to have founded one of the saner, value-driven communities on Facebook, with the most informed, most cultured, most amazing group members.

It’s no wonder Global Bestselling Author and Tech Entrepreneur Nathan Latka named this group as one of the top 100 Facebook Groups for Entrepreneurs in his book ‘How to Become a Capitalist without any Capital”.

A lot of information is being spread out there as fact, when they are either pure fiction or half-truths, designed to keep people in the dark for personal or organised agenda.

It is our job as the custodians of the truth and keepers of the light, to keep speaking the truth, doing our part in the world to ensure that people see the light- whether in business, relationships, spirituality, values and beliefs, marriage, parenting, health and wellness, financial education, law and governance, human rights, climate change, human equality, conservation and social human interaction.

Do not be weary in doing good. Let your light be a buffer and a repellant for the darkness that threatens the world. My friend John Obidi would say that you are not the light of your kitchen cupboard. You are the light of the world.

Start that Facebook Group.

Start that Podcast.

Write that Book.

Write that Song.

Write that Play or Movie Script.

Start that YouTube Channel.

Build your platform and let your voice be heard.

Too many ignorant and nefarious people are talking in the world today. To defeat this ignorance, the voice of the wise must be louder than the others because in these times we live in, it is the loudest voice that is often considered as the truth by those who don’t know better.

Do your part in the world to leave it better than you met it.

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