The month of March was the busiest month I’ve had in a while, with a lot of speaking engagements, meetings, working with members of my Membership, and working with over a dozen clients in strategy sessions.

However, with all the busyness doing things for other people, it was also my highest earning month of the year so far.

How did I do it? How did I end up having an awesome month financially, despite not having enough time to focus on my own business?

I did ONE thing differently.

At the start of every new month, I write down my goals for the month. I write down what I will achieve, including my financial goals. I then write down these goals and things I’m grateful for, in my gratitude journal.

I changed one tiny little detail and it made all the difference for me.

I wrote my goals in PAST TENSE. This means, I wrote my goals as if they had already happened.

Before, I would write: “This month, I WILL MAKE x amount of money and WILL DO x type of projects.

But I changed it up and wrote my goals like this: “This month, I MADE x amount of money and DID x type of projects.

Did you spot the difference?

Sometimes, our language affects our thinking, which in turn affects how we carry out our activities and manifest our outcomes.

When I started to write and set my goals as if I already achieved them, everything changed.

It’s almost like I gave a command to the entire universe and it had no choice than to make what I had spoken, come to pass.

I’m doing it again this month and I’m already seeing results.

Now, this does not replace actually doing the work. Instead, it ensures your work actually bears results.

Will you be trying out this method in your goal setting? What are 3 things you “would have” completed by the end of April? Share them below using the same format above.

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