Categories of people in the world.

It is no news that 2020/2021 has not gone exactly as planned, mostly due to the worldwide pandemic.

For some, it has been a huge blessing in disguise and an opportunity to start, grow and scale new or existing ideas for their life and business. People’s networth have doubled and even quadrupled.

For others, the story hasn’t been that sweet. If they weren’t directly affected by the virus either by being sick or losing a loved one, they’ve lost their means of livelihood.

Their businesses have either slowed or come to a complete standstill, or they’ve had to take a major pay cut or even worse, be let go from their jobs.

Students have had to stay home for months on end, with no idea when schools will get back to normal. That uncertainty has put millions of people at a stand-still.

There are 4 categories of people in the world today and every single one of us falls under one of these categories:

CATEGORY 1: Those who don’t know what to do and are in a state of constant panic.

CATEGORY 2: Those who think everything will return back to the old normal and they are waiting endlessly.

CATEGORY 3: Those who are in shock and have given up. They’re in a warped reality and cannot see anyway out.

CATEGORY 4: Those who planned and prepared for the pandemic and have seen opportunities where others see only problems. They are the ones who have benefited from the new economy so far.

Neither of these categories is without its challenges. Even if you’re in category 4, you have mostly been REACTING to the pandemic, and soon, you will either burn out or fade out.

Long-term success requires a re-imagining of your vision at this time. What brought you here will not take you further. To remain relevant, you must learn the secrets of re-design. Your next level requires an upgrade and you must make that upgrade NOW.

I taught on RE-DESIGNING YOUR VISION POST-COVID. This free class took place live in the OPEN Facebook group.

Make sure you show up ready to our facebook LIVEs with your pen and journals because I will blow your mind with never-before heard secrets. What are you waiting for? Join in already.

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