One Friday evening years back, I called my coach. I told him I was looking for a good therapist because I was sure I was slipping back into depression. I’ve been down that road twice before, I didn’t want to go there again. It was about 9:30pm in the evening.

Normally, I would never do this because I don’t even pick my one on one client’s calls after 6:00pm unless we have a special arrangement. But my coach has become more of a friend and had personally told me to call ANYTIME. He knows I normally never even call or send messages asking questions, and I pay 6 figures every month. Just our monthly coaching session and I’m done.

This time however, I knew something was up with me and I had no one else to talk to. When I told him I needed therapy, he asked me to list all the things I felt were wrong with me. After I did, he laughed and told me that everything I’d listed were symptoms of extreme fatigue and not depression. I was a little relieved.

Then he gave me an ultimatum: take 3 days offline to rest and care for yourself and never touch your phone. I screamed! I told him about the group coaching program I’d just started; how will they cope without me? I told him about OPEN; how will I just leave them without talking to them everyday? What about my business? What about A, B and C? He told me he’s said what he’s said and I just have to have faith.

He’s my boss and I wouldn’t pick a coach I couldn’t listen to and respect his superior wisdom. So I promised to do so after Saturday; which was the Headstart Africa conference.

I managed to drag myself to the conference, doing my best to hide the lack of sleep and tiredness on my face with makeup; but as soon as I walked through the doors, everyone knew something was off and made it a duty to tell me I needed rest. In my mind, I just said, “The universe has spoken”.

The program was amazing. I made amazing contacts, great business deals, had a lot of insight and ideas and met a number of OPENers I’d never seen before, like Eno Sam, who gave me her book, Adiele Greatman who also gave me his book, and many others I’d seen before. The benefits were so many, I cannot begin to list them. I finally understood the importance of having a physical event outside of Facebook.

Then my rest began. I sent a message on this platform in the evening of Saturday that I’ll be going offline for a few days to rest and many of you were really supportive and I thank you.

I took the three days and got back stronger, better, sharper and dare I say, richer. Between Friday and the working day that followed, I made another 6 figures in my business. I wasn’t online. I didn’t talk to anybody. I didn’t sell anything. Yet, the alerts kept coming in. I didn’t even try to find out who they were from or what they were for. I could tell from the figures, what each person had paid for. I never fully understood the power of influence backed by strong business structure till this day.

I have promised myself that I will not rush or skip anything in any of my programs so that members’ businesses don’t crumble under their own weight.

Members of my programs learn all it takes to put in the right foundations and structure for their businesses so that even when they take a break, they’re still making money and their businesss still run smoothly, with or without them.

Be ready to finally quit the hustle, build a sustainable business that pays you while you sleep, and finally live the life you’ve always wanted.

Send me a message now on how to get started.

To your success.

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