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Steve Harris built Influence and became more known as the “Edgecutioner” after he wrote and published his book “From College Dropout to Corporate Sellout”.

Arese Ugwu built influence as the Personal Finance guru after she wrote and published “The Smart Money Woman”.

Edirin Edewor (my humble self) became an instant authority on the subject of Online Publishing after she wrote and published “The A – Z of EBook Publishing”. Visit here

Remi Owadokun became an instant hit in the weightloss industry when she wrote and published her book “How I Lost 40KG”.

Still wondering how to get started building influence in your niche? Create and publish content that does just that.

It doesn’t have to be a book. It could be an audio program like Victor Ekpo Bassey’s Power Ideas or John Obidi’s Smart Business Teleseminars or Dayo Samuel’s Audacity2Lead Podcast.

Get good at what you do.

Create a published asset out of it.

Market the living daylight out of it.

Leverage the influence it brings to grow your business. #motivationmonday

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