Sometime in March last year, I was invited to speak at the Women Talks UAE Event in commemoration of the International Women’s Day. Many of you saw the announcement in this group.

First of all, the venue was like I stepped out of Dubai and into an Egyptian palace! Gold everywhere! A line of Egyptian hyena carvings on marble platforms welcomed us into the foyer, only for us to be greeted by another giant golden eagle at the reception. The hotel itself was shaped like a giant obelisk with a gold top. The owner must really love Egypt.

My heart was already doing kikum, kikum because the venue was unlike anything I had ever been in before; so imagine the quality and calibre of guests who were there. It wasn’t a free event either.

There were women from different nationalities present at the event and I had to remind myself that I had spent 4 years preparing for this. I shared my signature MAPPIL strategy for building a brand that will become profitable for a long time.

During the break, one of the ladies who didn’t meet my introduction wanted to know what I did. I simply told her that I’m an Author before anything else.

Next thing, she opened her phone and asked what the name of my book was. I mentally cracked my knuckles and cleared my throat, then I smiled and asked her to just do a name search on Amazon. I could see her mouth open when she saw my books listed one by one. Hihihihi

She proceeded to buy every single book I had on Amazon, right there and then.

That’s not the best part.

The best part is that she sent a message recently that she’s already writing her book, thanks to one of my books. I’m sure you can guess which one it is.

You see, I didn’t need to give her my business card. It would probably have been forgotten. Instead, I had something that was much more memorable- a book. Well, in my case, a number of books- everyone of them of the utmost quality in content.

I was confident enough to share my books with her because I trust in the content of my books. I have proven results from hundreds of people over the years. The testimonies abound.

The same cannot be said for many Authors unfortunately. Many authors don’t like to mention their book because of the poor reviews or no reviews at all. Some end up “manufacturing” testimonials just so their book can become appealing.

I could spend all day giving instances where being an Author and having my books with me, opened doors for me.

The point is, if you’re a business owner, a book that proves your expertise in your chosen field is better than any business card.

Whether you’re a beginner and have never written a book before, or you’re already a pro at writing but you want to take it up a notch, then get the replay of my Creative Writing Masterclass on my Academy.

You’ll learn how to write a bestselling book, all the mistakes to avoid when choosing a topic and a niche to publish in, how to carry out proper research for your book, how to plan your book’s success even before you start writing, and how to ensure your content is what people actually want.

That’s not all, group coaching and accountability would really help you. You will receive daily prompts and check-ins and answers to all your questions concerning publishing.

To your success!

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