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The other day, I showed you the difference between Masterminds, Masterclasses and Memberships.

Before I created my School of Influence 12 Weeks Mastermind in December of 2019, I had signed up for no less than 5 different masterminds from around the world.

My goal was to learn first-hand, how masterminds are created, the different objectives for each creator, their marketing strategies, what they do right and what they could improve on, and the activities that go on in each Mastermind. It was thousands of dollars well spent.

By the time I created School of Influence, I could already predict my income for the entire year of 2020. Even during the pandemic, that was when we had our highest sign ups.


I knew what mistakes to avoid and exactly what actions to take. I’d experienced it first hand and I had a number of artillery in my arsenal to enable me pull in the figures I’ve done so far. And the year isn’t over.

Masterminds are a great way to guarantee sustainable income in your business, and unlike memberships, you have plenty of time to plan your marketing and create a robust program that delivers transformative results.

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