Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Dear OPENers,
I am overcome with feelings of gratitude, having spent the whole of yesterday and today reading through all your posts, comments and felicitations. I am humbled by the amount of growth you have experienced since you joined this community.

Even though I cannot comment on every single one of your posts, I have read them all and at times, I have shed a tear or two. I am reminded of why I do what I do when I read your posts. Sometimes one has no idea how much impact one makes, until people begin to talk about it. It is humbling.

This has also strengthened my resolve to continue to show up for you, to lead and to serve, and to continuously provide value. As we continue to grow in our goals and vision, there will be more roles available and when the call is made for helpers of OPEN, I hope some of you will answer the call.

OPEN is one of the best things that has happened to me. I have grown in leaps and bounds since I founded this community in 2017 and I continue to grow. OPEN is here for the long haul.

Once again, thank you to all OPEN members present. God bless you and God bless OPEN.

Happy Anniversary!

Edirin Edewor,
VC, Online Publishers and Entrepreneurs Network.

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