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My name is Edirin Edewor and I am the founder of this community, the Online Publishers and Entrepreneurs Network, otherwise known as OPEN.

OPEN was founded over 5 years ago, on the 20th of June, 2017. It was a day that changed my life and marked the beginning of change in thousands of others.

Till date, we have helped over 1,500 books get published, with hundreds of them becoming international Bestsellers on Amazon. Most of these books were from first time Authors who never even thought they could write a book, not to talk of becoming bestsellers.

Beyond just helping people write and publish books, we have provided knowledge, information and training to thousands of people to either help them start successful businesses, or grow and scale their existing businesses.

That’s the work side of me. Here’s the personal side:

A year before I founded OPEN, I was diagnosed with Early Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis, an Autoimmune condition that causes my immune system to attack my body, leading to higher susceptibility to illnesses, spontaneous allergic reactions and terrible pain on a daily basis.

For now, there’s no cure, so it is something I have to live with for the rest of my life except I get a miracle or scientists miraculously find a cure.

In spite of my health challenges, I have shown up and built something that has touched and impacted tens of thousands of people directly, and hundreds of thousands indirectly.

Whether it’s been through this community, through my trainings online via YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Zoom, or via the Facebook Boost Your Business Trainings where I was a Facebook Trainer, or my numerous published assets, including books, workbooks, courses, Masterclasses and my Masterminds, Memberships, Coaching, Consulting and Publishing, I have done my best to multiply my impact.

Some days are hard. There are days when I wake up and cannot get out of bed because of pain or my face looks like I got stung by a dozen bees, or it’s impossible to even breathe.

Those days, I learn to take the time off to care for myself. However, when I’m back, I am back. Thank God for a crazy work ethic, and the grace to have built a life by design, I have learned how to work when I can and rest when I can.

I’m always excited for the amazing opportunities I bring you constantly. I do it because I know how important it is to you.

The good news is, there’s always something to learn here, stay glued and you’ll be glad you did.

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