How would you like to have $1,000 or its equivalent in your bank account in the next 30 Days?

If you answered yes, then let me show you this ridiculously easy strategy you can use to earn $1,000 in the next 30 Days even if you don’t have a large following.

First of all, take a whole day to research profitable niches in 2023. Niches that have a hot market ready to pay for their problems to go away.

Once you have found a niche that is hot, take the next 3 days to research the most asked questions in that niche. Use answerthepublic.com to generate hot topics and top searches in that niche.

After you have found 21 hot topics that people in that niche are searching for, use Chat GPT A.I software to generate articles in those 21 topics. You can do this in less than 3 hours.

Voila! You have content.

Next, pick one of those hot topics, especially ones that have to do with “HOW” a particular problem is solved, and turn it into a book title.

Again, use Chat GPT to write the entire book. Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can create a book outline for any topic, and then write out the chapters of the book. You can do this in one day.

Use Canva to create a book cover and 3D mockups. Download the book manuscript as a pdf file and you now have a product.

The book doesn’t have to be 100 pages long. A 45-page book is just fine.

Next step, find a new topic in that same niche that you can teach for an hour. Take the time to research that topic, create notes and study as much material on that topic as you can. Create a powerpoint slide for the Masterclass.

Then use Zoom, and your Powerpoint slide, to record yourself as you teach that topic as if you were teaching it to a live audience.

Save the recording and design a flyer using Canva for the Masterclass.

Now you have 2 products- an eBook and a Recorded Masterclass.

Next, create a free seller account on Selar.co if you don’t yet have one.

After creating the Selar account, upload the Book and the Masterclass recording to Selar as separate products.

Here’s a sample pricing plan for both products:

eBook: $7 to $27 per copy

Masterclass: $27 to $97 per purchase

If you price your book at $7, you only need to sell 72 copies to make $500.

If you price your Masterclass at $27, you only need to sell 19 to make another $500.

I know what you’re thinking. “But Edirin, where will I see the 72 people to buy the eBook and the 19 people to buy the Masterclass?”

If you’re thinking this, then I am super proud of you. It means you actually have an interest in doing this.

One amazing way to get people to buy from you is to build your audience. You can do this either through a mailing list, a Facebook Group and other social media platforms such as Instagram and more.

You don’t need to have 1,000 people before you can make $1,000 a month. As you have seen from the above strategy, you only need 72 people to buy your book and upsell them to the Masterclass, and you only need 19 out of those 72 people to buy.

It’s actually that easy. The hard part is the doing.

You don’t have to try 100 different strategies just to make money.

Everything you need, you already have. The important part is knowing how to use what you have to get your desired goal.

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