Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

One Saturday, I attended the Business Leaders Breakfast Meeting organized by my friend Nnanke Offem Essien. I had planned to be there for just two hours and then leave because I wasn’t feeling too well.

Before I even entered the building, I met Nnanke and Tobi of KitchenSpace, our mutual friend. They looked happy to see me but I could tell something was up.

I was still trying to guess from the interesting smiles on their faces when Nnanke sharply told me I was to take on MC duties. In my mind, I went, “where is Victoria when you need her to come bail you out?” I had never done MC duty before.

Well, there was no Victoria, at least not at the beginning, so I had to take on MC duties. The bible says that whatever your hand finds doing, do it well. So I did.

Did I fumble? Yes, a little.

Was I nervous? Yes, a little.

Did I crush it? You bet I did.

Usually I would look up the speakers before the event but I knew most of them so I didn’t bother. However, there was one I didn’t know. His name is Mr. Dikko Nwachukwu and he happened to be the CEO of Nigeria’s newest Airline at the time, JetWest Airways. Go look them up.

While he was giving his keynote speech, I kept reminding myself of my theme for that year, 2019: Strategic Partnership with HNIs and Brands. I kept asking myself, “How can I be of value to this man and his company? How can I use my influence to serve his interest?”

Long story short, he came to speak to us at our OPEN conference in the last quarter of that year, and we worked on creating and putting out other contents for his airline.

See, my mentors taught me well, and I have been more intentional about my goals. My theme for that year that inspired all my goals was Strategic Positioning and Partnerships with HNIs and BRANDS.

It began a year before with Google, Social Media Week and AXA Mansard. It continued with Facebook (Not facebook group, Facebook the company), Keystone Bank, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Redrick PR, Esorae Luxury brand, and others.

When you have a theme for the year, it informs your goals and sharpens your OPPORTUNITY DETECTOR so you are constantly aware of potential opportunities. It is like wanting to buy a Red BMW and then suddenly seeing red BMWs everywhere.

What was my edge? How did I get to forge these amazing and very profitable partnerships and Relationships? It all started with me being an author.

If you are an author or a writer and you are still taking yourself and your achievements for granted, I don’t know what else to say to you.

Because you belong to a community like OPEN where people seem to get published everyday, you think everyone has the same superpowers that you have.

Don’t be deceived! We are just over 30,000 people in this community. There are 190 million people in Nigeria. Even if every single one of us is a published author, we still haven’t scratched the surface. We are super stars!!!

All the opportunities that are open to you as a writer and an author are innumerable. But you’re either too scared to pursue them or you don’t know enough to leverage them.

The second half of the year has begun. Those goals you wanted to accomplish, how market?

At the beginning of the year, you said this is the year you will write and publish your book. Where is it?

For those of you that have written and published and wanted to make 5 million Naira in 3 months, but you haven’t even hit your launch goal, not to talk of getting consistent sales for your book. Why?

You’re struggling as an author. Hardly anyone knows your name or remembers the title of your book. What is going on?

You are a business owner and your business is suffering because you are not at the top of your niche. You barely have visibility and your talent is wasting away in the shadows, yet you don’t want to help yourself. Are you not tired?

If you won’t help yourself, at least let me help you. Get started with the following:

  • Authorpreneur Business Builder Home Study Guide.
  • Profitable Writing Career Masterclass Recordings.
  • Facebook Groups for Profits Webinar Recording.
  • Six Figure Book Launch Replay Recording.

You’ve got the next 6 months to get it right this time. If this isn’t a wake up call for you to get serious about your goals, your books and your business, you should probably find other goals to work on.

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