The other day after posting the video I did on Strategies, and encouraging you to dream bigger, I began thinking of how to actually help you see possibilities for yourself so you can actually have a vision for your future.

See, you cannot want something you don’t know exists. It is only after exposure to a reality, that you can begin to want that reality for yourself. That is why travel and reading books is important to personal development.

I created the Breakthrough Experience Business Retreat which was held in Dubai, for this purpose. For those of us who attended, it opened all our eyes to the different possibilities for our future. We were able to dream bigger because we were surrounded and immersed in greatness and luxury.

However, not many of you here have had that experience or are even aware of such realities. I’m not talking about not being aware that such a place as Dubai exists. I’m talking about being aware that such realities could be yours. It buckled my knees as I thought about it.

This is the cross that leaders who have a message and a yearning to help people, carry. We see the truth and we point you towards it, but we cannot force you to recognise and acknowledge it. If you cannot acknowledge it, you cannot expect it.

I had to tell myself the painful truth that I cannot want something for you that you don’t want for yourself. So even though I’ve told you to go to the drawing board to think bigger and set bigger goals, if you don’t want it for yourself, there’s really nothing I can do for you.

However, if you’ve pictured just a glimpse of what’s possible for you while you dreamed bigger, join me right here on this group where I’ll be giving you some strategies to realign your new goals with your overall vision for your life.

Do we have a deal?

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