Do you struggle with productivity? Read this.

This morning I woke up early to start my day and complete some very important tasks, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything.

I struggled with opening my laptop and getting started but it was almost as if my head was blank and I just stared at the laptop. I had no willpower to even get started.

What did I do?

I closed my laptop, took a deep breath and did a physical check. For someone living with certain health challenges, you must learn to do this activity often to ensure you’re functioning OK.

I checked and I wasn’t feeling any unusual pain, no headaches, no difficulty breathing, and my five senses were working as they should. So it wasn’t a physical issue.

Next, I did a mental check. Sometimes we become so fatigued mentally or we find ourselves dealing with emotional or psychological issues that we find it impossible to concentrate on work. In times like this, it’s best to just take a break. Stop work and rest or relax.

I have a simple mental check I do to help me ensure I’m not nearing brain fatigue. I try to remember as much as I can from yesterday’s activities. If I’m not mentally fatigued, I should be able to remember a lot. I also try to remember the lyrics to 4 or 5 of my favourite songs.

I did all that and mentally, I was A-OK. Next I checked my surroundings. That’s when I spotted the issue. I needed to do cerebral work but I was not in an environment that enabled me to think.

The kind of work I was about to do, required thinking and I cannot think in a place that’s not quiet. My neighbours all seemed to be at home today and were very excited about something. There was loud talking and music.

What did I do? I packed my laptop, journal, notebooks and chargers and left the house. I went to the one co-working space I know that lives up to the new safety guidelines for public spaces.

I am currently in my temporary office as I type this post. It’s been barely an hour and I have already completed two of those important tasks. I am typing this post in my 15 minutes break before I get back to work.

Do you find yourself unproductive? Do a physical, mental and environmental check. If your challenge is physical, go to a hospital or do something about it. If it is mental, stop working immediately and get some rest. If it environmental, alter your environment or leave there and go somewhere safe and more ideal for you.

Now, it’s back to work for me. Talk later.

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