In my line of work, I see a lot of people come to me, with the desire to write a book or start an online business or grow their Facebook group or increase their income.

They say how much they really want things to be different. They buy all the books, classes, courses and coaching. Yet, nothing changes.

Upon further examination, I have found that too many people focus on their desires but completely ignore the intention. You see, nothing in this life happens without intention. There are a few pursuits more important than living an intentional life.

Desire takes you nowhere. If desire is the vehicle of your dreams, intention is the fuel that moves that car. Desire is arbitrary but Intention is commitment.

If you do not commit to turning your desires into reality by being intentional, you will continue to day-dream about things that will never happen.

So you want to write that book, start that business, grow your audience, make more money and live a life of freedom.

Here are 3 Steps to setting intentions that I learned from Jim Kwik who is a master of learning: I call it the SEE-FEEL-DO Method. Here they are:

Get into your HEAD. You must have clarity on what exactly your goal is. You cannot get something you don’t want. Clarity gives you power. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Visualise it in your mind’s eye. You must SEE it.

Get into your HEART. This is where you go from asking yourself what you want, to asking yourself WHY you want it. If you have a very weak WHY, one that is not from your heart, you will have commitment issues. You will not commit to you intentions if you don’t even know why you want them in the first place. You must FEEL it in your heart.

Get into your HANDS. This is where you take action on that intention. This is where you set goals and a plan to work the goals and actually work it. It’s not enough to “manifest” your dream life through the power of affirmation. You cannot have the Law of Attraction without the Action. Even the word ATTRACTION has ACTION in it. To attract, you must take affirmative action. You must DO it with your hands.

Talk to you soon.

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