Sometime ago, I was chatting to a friend about my business and asking questions about how he became as successful as he is. He went on to share many industry secrets with me which I jotted down.

Among the things he shared, he recommended a book to me. While he was still talking, I quickly went on Amazon and bought the kindle version of the book.

Why am I sharing this? This is because of something I used to do before, and many of you still do. Someone recommends something to you – a book, a course, a seminar, a training or a product – that you know can practically change your life, make you better or put more money in your pocket. Instead of keying into it immediately, you hesitate. You tell yourself a “lie” that you do not have the money.

Why did I say you tell yourself a “lie”? I’ve been there before as well. I would see a book or a course or training and it’s N5k only. I would then tell myself I don’t have the money, but that same week, I’ll either go see a movie with my sisters (which can add up to 5K or even more), or buy lunch at KFC on my way from an event or order for a nice perfume I’ve been looking for, and my perfumes ain’t cheap. Sometimes I even end up borrowing the money to someone who may never pay me back.

So where did I get the money to do all those things but when it came to that thing that would add value to my life, I lied to myself?

The answer is “VALUE SYSTEM”. This simply means that people give value to only those things that are a priority to them, and until you change your mindset and your value system, you will always spend money on materialistic things and be a cheap, free-loader when it comes to the things that can multiply your investment, wether in cash or in kind.

P.S: Remember your value systems when making buying decisions. There are opportunities that may never come again and once you miss it, it is gone forever.

P.P.S: The picture was a filming for the #impenetrablecampaign for Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria. I had just sprained my ankle but “NO EXCUSES”.

Chancellor at OPEN.

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