The other day, I began a note on certain reasons why your 2022 will not turn out as you hope. I dropped 10 reasons in the post and I’ll be concluding with the remaining 10 today. Here goes part 2:

  1. Continue to ask all and sundry to mentor you because you think mentorship is free. I have shared my stories here of how I’ve gotten the most amazing mentors; I even shared one yesterday. I see a lot of people do this a lot: You see someone who has the kind of results you would like to have, and then you fly into their inbox with flattery and boom! You ask them to “mentor you” or “hold your hands”. In order words, they should teach you for free what took them years and resources to learn. Don’t be a free loader. You must give value to receive value. Mentorship is not free.
  2. Continue to remain in the same environment that brought you your challenges, instead of finding a new one. Now, I’m not strictly speaking about physical environments, but if that’s what is holding you back, then by all means, move. Sometimes your move doesn’t have to be permanent. You don’t have to live in Dubai or London or the USA to gain exposure. Learn to travel often. Make travel a part of your personal development. Another type of environment might be your circle of friends. If they do not have the ingredients to remain in your life, drop them like a hot potato and find new friends. You’re not a tree, move.
  3. Continue to be friends with people who do not add value to your life, but will constantly laugh and berate you when you want to try something new that they can’t. Who says you have to be friends with people for life? If in your past incarnation, you were a horrible person, and you’ve changed, if your friends don’t want to change with you, leave them behind. Don’t kill your dreams because you’re ashamed of what your friends will say to you. Find new friends who align with your vision.
  4. Continue to spend your money on people, places and things that do not help you improve yourself or your career. The School of Influence registration was about closing down and someone still sent a message asking for an extension because they bought Christmas cloth. Smh. I didn’t even waste my breathe because people’s actions speak a lot about their values. Show me your bank statement and I will tell you who you are. Do you want a different outcome for 2022? Then spend different.
  5. Continue to cop out on your own growth and personal development. This is a continuation of point 14 above. You’d rather spend money to impress people who don’t give a snark about you, than on your own brain. You want to compete with the Joneses rather than compete with who you were yesterday. Kontinu. When you become obsolete because you refuse to grow, then you’ll start scrambling for quick fixes that will only worsen your situation.
  6. Continue to be an entitled human being because you think the world owes you something. Continue to demand for people’s attention because you think the world revolves around you. Continue to throw social media tantrums because someone didn’t reply your messages. Continue to demand for extensions of deadlines, or free stuff, because you feel you’re entitled to people’s time and resources. My friend, if you don’t get off your butt and take responsibility for your own life!
  7. Continue to be a lazy slob because you think that by just praying, you’ll automatically qualify for blessings, meanwhile it is the same God that says He’ll bless the WORKS of your hands, that faith without WORKS is dead, and also that a man diligent in his WORK will stand before things. Don’t get up and plan your vision, goals and intentions. 2022 will pass you by like a missed train.
  8. Continue waiting for people to hand you opportunities. Continue waiting for someone to invite you to the big boys’ table when you haven’t earned it. No one gives an opportunity to someone who hasn’t proven themselves to be deserving and qualified for it. How do you qualify? By creating your own opportunities first. Don’t ask me how, go figure it out.
  9. Continue being a cynical, immature human being, quick to shit on other people’s hard work when you barely have anything to show for yourself. Continue being the president of the comments association, quick to judge people and “disagree” with any and everything, when you should be spending all that time improving your own life. Ever wondered why successful people don’t criticise other people’s brown grass? It’s because they’re too busy tending to their own grass to notice if someone else’s grass is brown or green.
  10. Continue doing the same thing you did this year and expecting different results next year. This is exactly what Albert Einstein defined as insanity.

I’ll leave you with these quotes by Jim Rohn:
“For things to change, you have to change. For things to become better, you have to become better. For you to have more, you have to become more”.

“Why not you? Why not this? Why not now?”

And here’s one from me: “That thing you’re thinking of right now that you should be doing, go do that. Do something today that your 2022 will thank you for”. Don’t procrastinate on what you should be doing now.

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