You’re going to want to read this story. This time over 9 years ago, I was preparing to write my final exams in University.

Just one year before that, in my fourth year in Uni, I had survived overdosing on prescription drugs in the wake of Chronic Clinical Depression.

So by the time I was rounding up School, I was completely clueless as to what I wanted to do with my life.

I didn’t expect to be alive that long so I didn’t bother to plan ahead. So finding myself alive and about to finish school, I had a huge question on my mind: WHAT NOW?

You see, the internet then wasn’t what it is today. Watching YouTube videos wasn’t in my budget from my allowance.

Barely any reasonable Facebook groups like this one existed; only gossip groups. Instagram was still in its infancy and strictly picture sharing.

I had no ideas, no inspiration, nobody to look up to, no guidance and no aspirations. I was empty.

It’s difficult to gain clarity and inspiration when you are empty. A baby cannot dream of things. They only know what they’ve been exposed to.

Therefore, exposure fills you up and from exposure, you find inspiration and then clarity as you take action.

When I started to read books beyond my academic books, and watch TEDx videos on YouTube, and connect with great minds, I started to get exposed to different people with different giftings.

These exposures quickened my own expression of those giftings. I am where I am today because I submitted myself to getting filled up.

I aggressively read books, watched educational YouTube videos, attended events, bought courses, joined online classes, got a Coach, volunteered for mentors, traveled, changed my circle of friends and became intentional about taking action fast!

You never know what’s possible until you are exposed to something that opens your eyes to possibilities.

But you see, life is a cruel comedian. It never really gives you the whole picture. If it did, we will all be absolutely sure of our purpose.

Instead, we are given opportunities to be exposed to new knowledge, new ideas, new giftings and new possibilities.

When we take action from the things we’ve been exposed to, then we get clarity.

You never know which book or course or class or person or event will lead to the inspiration, the idea and the possibility you need to take that step that will lead to your destiny fulfilled. So you have to allow yourself to be exposed to as many as possible.

As you get exposure, take action. That is the only way that exposure will pay off.

It is only when you take action, that you can know if something is for you or if you need to try something else. Sitting on your hands without doing anything will not help you.

Also, when you gain an interest in something or catch a glimpse of something you feel you are meant to do, expose yourself to as much knowledge of that thing as possible. Expose yourself to people who are already gifted in that area.

You never know where or which one or which combination of skills, knowledge, experiences and exposures will trigger your own gifting.

Never stop learning. Never stop growing. Never stop exposing yourself to iterations of giftings, ideas, knowledge and experiences. You never know where they will lead you.

Take action on as many ideas as you can. You never know which one will pay off.

If you need permission to go after these different paths, here it is. The time will pass anyway.

Even if one doesn’t end up panning out, you would have gained valuable experience. The time will pass anyway, whether you take action or not.

Go do something today. I believe in you.

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