Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Some years ago, my Coach and I were having our monthly coaching call and I was sharing with him my progress. I was close to hitting N1,000,000 a month in revenue from my business.

I thought he’d be pleased with my result and tell me to keep up the good work. Instead, what he told me next made me have sleepless nights for the next couple of weeks. He told me to go create a Million Naira Product.

Haaaa!! I was yet to do N1 Million a month and was still struggling with the ability to achieve that, and here he was asking me to create a Million Naira Product.

At that time, the highest product price I had was my One on One Coaching that was at N50,000 a month. In fact, he had asked me to raise my fees to N70,000 but I refused because I thought I was fine at N50,000 a month.

The truth was that I was scared. I was scared that nobody would pay N70,000 a month to work with me. In my mind, it was impossible for me to charge a Million Naira for my services.

I felt I didn’t know enough. I felt I wasn’t good enough. I felt I wasn’t in business long enough. I felt I was too young. I felt I wasn’t an American Coach. I felt Nigerians don’t have that kind of money and even if they did, they wouldn’t pay for knowledge or transformation with it.

Yet, there I was paying N1.2 Million to a Coach! Was I not Nigerian? Was my Coach not Nigerian as well? Wasn’t I paying for transformation and seeing results? Of course I was!

I had set a ceiling in my mind and I couldn’t grow past that ceiling.

You see, if you put a shark in a small glass tank, it will grow to the size of that tank and never grow bigger than it. If you take that shark and put it in the ocean, it will grow for the rest of its life.

Many of us are like sharks in small glass tanks. We have so much more inside us to give but we’ve built glass ceilings and glass tanks in our minds that we cannot grow beyond.

When I finally listened to my Coach, I created a Million Naira Product. THE VERY NEXT MONTH, I landed my very first Million Naira Client! Just like that! And there have been multiple clients like this since then. What if I didn’t create that product?

That wasn’t all. The confidence from being able to land a Million Naira Client gave me the psychological permission to raise my One on One Coaching Fees steadily since then, and it’s now at $297/month (N150,000). I also started charging 6 figures for my corporate trainings and speaking engagements.

You see, once I shattered that glass ceiling and broke out of that mental glass tank, my life literally changed. I went from struggling to do One Million a Month, to doing it in 2 weeks, then one week, then 4 days, then 18 hours. The new goal is to do a Million in one Hour.

What glass ceiling have you placed above yourself? How have you limited your ability to grow? What is that lie you’ve told yourself about the limits to what you can achieve in your business?

Why do you think you can only teach Whatsapp Classes? Why do you think Facebook groups are for only them Edirin Edewor, John Obidi and Victor Ekpo Bassey, and why do you think your Facebook group cannot grow to 10,20,30,50 or 100 thousand members?

Why do you think you cannot charge beyond N5000 ($10) for your products? Why do you think you cannot launch a $97 course or get someone to pay you $1,000 for a one on one session? Why do you think you’re not ready to write that book or start that business or speak at that event?

Yes, you need to prove your worth to yourself and become so damn good you cannot be ignored, but don’t hide under the excuse of “I don’t know enough” to limit yourself.

There are people who know less than you who are doing better than you because there are no ceilings in their mind.

If you’re looking for permission to raise your prices and play a bigger game, this is it. This is me telling you to step up your game and stop being a lily-livered scaredy cat. Go all out and take what you deserve.

I know there are sharks here who know their worth and all they need is for someone to sit with them and show them exactly what to do. Are you a shark? Yes?

Still putting a glass ceiling in your mind on how much you should pay for life-transforming value like this? This is not for you.

Where are my Sharks? 🦈🦈🦈

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